
Viagra could leave you deaf

Viagra could leave you deaf

Viagra, the mighty drug that promises to pump up your potency, might actually leave you deaf. Regular users of Viagra are at an increased risk of long-term hearing loss, U.S. researchers have warned.

According to a study carried out by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, users of Viagra, an impotence drug that corrects erectile dysfunction, are twice as likely to suffer hearing loss as against men who do not use impotence drugs.

Details of the study:- Medical information of 11,525 men over 40 years of age collected under the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, carried on between 2003 and 2006, were used for the purpose. Analyses revealed that men who used Viagra or other similar drugs like Cialis and Levitra showed a potential for long-term hearing loss. They were twice as likely to report impaired hearing as against those who didn’t use such drugs, researchers found.

The relationship was strongest among men using sildenafil (generic form of Viagra) as against those who used tadalafil (Cialis) or vardenafil (Levitra), researchers revealed. Men who used Viagra or other similar drugs like Cialis and Levitra showed a potential for long-term hearing loss. They were twice as likely to report impaired hearing as against those who didn’t use such drugs, researchers found.

From among the ways to treat erectile dysfunction, Viagra (Sildenafil citrate) is the most commonly used medicine. Other famous pills are Levitra and Cialis. All such medicines have an effect of four to five hours of reinforcing a weak erection. These medicines are a good quick fix for sexual pleasure but their regular use is a confirmed health hazard. Nausea and headache are common complaints with the use of pills. Natural ways to treat erectile dysfunction are preferred over pills for the simple reason that they are free from harmful effects. It is true that natural treatment is slow to work but still there is no point in risking one's health for momentary pleasure.

Causes:- Before we discuss the ways to treat erectile dysfunction, knowing the causes would be of great help. The origin of sexual impotence is the damage done to the nerves and arteries in the pelvic region by ailments like diabetes, kidney problems, neurological diseases, and cardiovascular issues. Alcoholism and smoking have the same effect. Continuous nervous tension lowers sexual appetite in both sexes. Testosterone hormone in the testicles is responsible for producing secondary sex characteristics. The deficiency of Testosterone is also a major cause of impotency.

Treatment:- A doctor of medicine always recommends counseling before opting for surgical measures or implants. A psychological counseling would be helpful to establish if there were any non-medical reasons for low sexual response and if a mere change in routine life can help. Alcohol prevention and quitting of smoking are strongly recommended by doctors to lessen the extent of impotence. Research studies have confirmed that healthy lifestyle is a cure for great many ailments. Impotency in men is a blood circulation problem and is easily dealt with by natural herbs that are nothing but mineral and vitamin additions.

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